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Have you ever wanted to chat with a character?  Now you can!

Ask Myrgjol or Ingrid a Question

July 22, 2024

From: Billy Dustman

"What is your favorite food?"


Hello!  Round food is best.  Thaddand's cooks made round pies filled with meat in Saxon lands.  They were wonderful, and could just fit into my mouth whole, but I was unable to speak - which is fine.  I was eating.  Do not expect conversation while I am eating.

Later, my grandson Round Food made. . . round food.  He called them "pasties".  They were also delicious and filled with meat.

Later still, GrandRobert and GeraldSon offered me "pizza".  The search was now over.  My favorite food is round pizza.

The series launch is on the way Sept. 24!  Here are some character depictions from the first three installments.  Some are easy, some not.  Can you guess their identities from the descriptions in the books?

July 23, 2024

From: Viking Fan Girl

"Did anyone ever beat you in single combat?"


Opponents who did not use dark powers, like the coward Halvar, No.

I was nearly beaten once in my youth when I travelled to Arabia for my father, Jarl Harald.  My opponent was handsome and used his shimmering uncovered muscles to distract me.  It may have worked to a degree, I admit, but he still did not defeat me.

The answer is "no".  You could have asked a better question that has a less obvious answer.

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